Monday, February 2, 2009

Little Miracles!

So I jinxed it! I was feeling so great, earlier in the week I said to Jeff... I hope everything's okay!? I feel too good to be pregnant!
The very next day, I kid you not I was so sick I could hardly move...and it continued that way for the past 3 days. Today was the first day I was able to keep down food, a vitamin, do some light cooking, dishes, laundry... I'm so grateful to have this reprieve and I'm hoping it lasts!!!
I just read my weekly baby center update that notified me that Baby Sugden was building ribs, heart and brains this past well as hands!! Busy little embryo! Hope it's putting it all together right!
I guess that completely justifies how tired and sick I was feeling... for crying out loud, I'm building a person here! Wow! What a concept! I didn't pay much attention the first, two times around. For whatever reason... this third one has got me thinking!
What a real miracle it is, really!!

1 comment:

-ana- said...

It really is such a miracle! Quite difficult to fathom such complex, intricate developments going on inside our bellies-- like you said, building bones and a brain! Amazing! I know it can be hard to keep that in mind though when you're on your 5th trip to the toilet to barf--yuck! Glad to hear you're getting a little break from the yuckiness...