Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sub Zero Temps.....Burrrrrrr.....

Blowing Snow/Windy

Windchill of Negative 30 Degrees (-30°)
Sever Winter Warning:
Keep all pets and children indoors

This is what I woke up to this morning....negative 2 degrees!!
With a windchill factor of 30 below 0!! Are you kidding me!?

Once it's negative temps
do we really even need a number?!
It's just freaking COLD!!!

And I know we're in the windy city and all...but seriously!? What's with the wind!?
Last night, I could have sworn I heard a witch cackling "I'll get you my pretty..." as my house prepared to lift and spin into the air!!

It was that kind of wind...where even your house shudders!
I wondered if the basement might be safer...since we have a wall of windows in our bedroom!
As I laid in bed, I imagined all the glass shattering inward at us!
They didn't! (thank Goodness!) I guess they don't call them "Weather Shield" windows for noth'n!?

All I know, is this California Girl is a LONG way from home!!

My Dad, (who is still living in California) calls to tell me how cold it is.
I ask, "what's cold, Dad?"
his reply..."oh, about 40."

40 degrees....!?!? Are you serious!? "Dad! That's a park day for us!" I joke back, wishing I was kidding!!

Then he'll proceed to tell me all about the house prices there, and how we can NOW afford to live there! Too bad we can't afford to sell the house we're in now! :(

I'm homesick. Really homesick.

Maybe it's the weather. Maybe it's the holidays. Maybe it's the fact that I'm lucky if I get to see part of my family at least once a year. Maybe it's because my kids are growing up way too fast and our families are missing it....and they are missing their families!
Maybe I'm homesick for a time and a place that doesn't even exist anymore!?

Whatever the reason...I'm waiting and wondering if I will ever feel at home again...anywhere?!

They say "home will be where the heart is. Never were words so true.
My heart's far...far away...home is too. "

That's actually a quote from the song Home, from the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast. It was also, appropriately of my first assignment songs at AMDA upon arriving to New York.

Don't get me wrong. My heart and home are now with my husband...and my boys...but I guess it's still new enough for me that it doesn't have that same comfy, worn in your favorite, old pair of jeans.

Really, I'm still trying to find my role as "Mother" and "Wife" on a daily basis.
Learning as I go...creating our own traditions and memories.
I'm sure it will all be so much more precious to me in the future when I'm looking back on it! And I hate that! I wish I could feel that same depth of emotion now. For the life I'm living now!

Blogging has certainly helped me with that! Appreciating and enjoying my life in the present!
Reflecting and blogging forces me to sit, think and write what is on my mind or in my life!
It also allows me to view my life differently as it's happening. I notice I am viewing everything almost from an outside perspective rather than being wrapped up in it, obsessing over trivial things that really don't matter!
For instance, now...when Jack proceeds to dump the entire basket of clean laundry I just folded...while I'm folding it...where I once would have blown up in frustration...I can now smile, or even laugh and will be kids! He's only 1 year old, and it's what he's supposed to be doing...learning his environment and what happens when... and, it makes great material for a blog entry...or a great story for later! :)

SOooo, this blog is getting long! What started as a quick weather report has turned into a, well....whatever it is!? But now that my head is clear...I can go tackle the dishes!
(next to a space heater!) ;) of course!

1 comment:

Ronda said...

I am so glad we were in NY, lots of snow but not sub zero temps.
Glad you survived it!