Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wrapping It Up

Christmas has come and gone, and what a whirlwind it was!  The kids made out like bandits!  Thanks again to our family far away for all the gifts you sent for the kids... you really helped to make their Christmas bright, and therefore ours as well!

We took a trip to see Santa & spent Christmas Eve enjoying a family dinner at (where else) but CJ's!
On Christmas we spent the day in our jammies!  We genuinely loved watching the kids enjoy all their new loot and the overall laziness of the day itself was just what the doctor ordered!

As 2009 comes to a close, we sit quietly in reflection over all that it has brought our way, and in nervous if not excited anticipation for what 2010 might have in store!?

May it bring us all continued health, happiness and love!

I raise my glass (of orange juice, as we're all fighting colds)... here's to you, 2010... don't let us down!
Call me idealistic & naive... but I have high hopes for a Greener-cleaner world, recovered economy, the end to the war, troops in their own beds, true justice for all, jobs for all who wish to have them, food for all who hunger, warmth for those who are cold, love to those who are lonely, comfort to those who are sad, health to those who are sick, and peace to all who walk God's great earth!
A girl can dream....if only it were as simple as asking Santa!

Farewell 2009 ... you have given us all much to remember, much to treasure, much to learn and grow from.... Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Jen F. said...

Happy New Year, Mel! May your 2010 be happy, healthy and wonderful!